Monday, March 23, 2020

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Essay Example

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Paper One day sheikh Zayed asked by the journalist: â€Å" when you building this country, why did you give your people free education, health care and free services† Sheikh Zayed answered him: â€Å"I gave them free education, accommodation, health care and free services because they are my children. How you cut off from your own children’s expenses?† We will write a custom essay sample on Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Sheikh Zayed was not only a president; he was a father, an adviser and a leader. He was close to his people; he sat among his people and listened to their needs, chatting and laughing with them. He didn’t put any barrier between him and his people. He could be termed as humble. Body The humble nature of this icon as well as his love for his people inspired him to bring change not only to his country but also to other citizens in other countries. He could be likened to a super hero who was always ready and willing to listen to the plight of the less fortunate and consequently do whatever was within his power to help these people. Thus, under his leadership a lot of charitable organizations were created that aimed at helping in one way or the other. One such example was the fact that he adopted as many orphans as possible not only in the EAU but also in other continents around the world. Other than his humanitarian efforts, the sheikh was a champion of environmental conservation efforts. For this, he received the champions of the earth award from the United Nations (NaÌ„diÌ„ TuraÌ„th al-ImaÌ„raÌ„t., 2001). His ability to combine wisdom with leadership was evidenced when he advocated that both the father and mother in a family set-up should share activity that would be parenthood. This opened up the doors for women to actively seek employment. He stated that Women have the right to work everywhere, he reasoned that Islam gives women their rightful status, and encourages them to work in all sectors, as long as they are afforded the appropriate respect. The basic role of women is the upbringing of children, but over and above that, we have to support and encourage any woman who chooses to perform other functions. making him not only a shrewd leader but also a great parent to his people. His wisdom extended to the policies that he created that were always in the best interest of his people. He shared the revenue brought in by oil to develop his people. These developments could be accessed by all his citizens and at no cost at all. He was not afraid of sharing the lands resources with his people (Morris, 1974). Furthermore his wisdom was responsible for the creation of peace without having to resort to bloodshed as was the case in the treaty of Jeddah. His role as an insightful advisor played an important role in negotiations that he always made whether to benefit his own people or other countries in the world. His ability to provide solutions for even the toughest problem was impeccable. One such success was his key contribution in the formation of the EAU. Conclusion Sheikh Zayed was a leader like no other. He never looked down at people because of their station, gender, religion, ethnicity or even race. To him, humanity was what mattered in the long run. While the whole world benefited in one way or the other through this leaders virtuous personality, the people of EAU were the luckiest to have been under his leadership. Thank you everyone for listening References Morris, C. (1974). The desert falcon: The story of H. H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahiyan, President of the United Arab Emirates. London: Morris International. NaÌ„diÌ„ TuraÌ„th al-ImaÌ„raÌ„t., Markaz ZaÌ„yid lil-TuraÌ„th wa-al-TaÌ„riÌ„kh. (2001). Zayed, a photographic journey: Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Abu Dhabi: Emirates Heritage Club, and Zayid Center for Heritage and History.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Say Negative Commands in Italian

How to Say Negative Commands in Italian Throughout childhood, we grow up hearing negative commands. Our parents say phrases, like Dont bother your brother!, Stop yelling!, Dont forget to do your homework!, or Don’t make a mess! And even though our intention isn’t to learn Italian so we can yell negative commands at our children, knowing how to use them in Italian can prove useful, particularly in situations like giving advice to a friend about a guy that sounds like trouble or suggesting that someone not eating something unhealthy. But first, where do these negative commands come from? The Imperative Mood The imperative mood is a way of giving advice, suggestions, or commands. If you need a refresher, read this article: The Imperative Mood in Italian. When it comes using this mood, the form of the verb depends on whether you use the â€Å"tu† form, the â€Å"lei† form, the â€Å"noi† form, and the â€Å"voi† form, which I’ll break down below. Negative Commands Using the â€Å"tu† Form The negative tu command forms of all verbs are formed by the infinitive of the verb preceded by non: Non dire cosà ¬! - Don’t talk like that!Non fare il guastafeste! - Don’t be a party-pooper!Non mangiare quell’hamburger! Non à ¨ sano. - Don’t eat that hamburger! It’s not healthy. But what happens when you start to add some more complicated elements to the mix, like pronouns, for example? Non andarci! - Don’t go there!Non glielo dare! / Non darglielo! - Dont give it to him!Non ne parlare mai pià ¹! - Don’t bring it up ever again! If you’re dealing with reflexive verbs, you would either place the pronoun at beginning or at the end of the conjugated verb, like: Non ti preoccupare! / Non preoccuparti! - Don’t worry!Non ti addormentare. / Non addormentarti. - Don’t fall asleep.Non ti sposare! / Non sposarti! - Don’t get married! Negative Commands Using the â€Å"lei† Form The negative â€Å"lei† command is formed by placing â€Å"non† before the verb that’s been conjugated in the imperative mood. Non parli! - Don’t speak!Non mangi quel piatto. - Don’t eat that dish.Non parta! - Don’t leave!Non creda (a) quello che dice lui! - Don’t believe what he says! Negative Commands Using the â€Å"noi† and â€Å"voi† Forms The negative â€Å"noi† and â€Å"voi: command forms of all verbs are formed simply by placing non before the affirmative forms: Voi Non dormite! - Don’t sleep!Non fate rumore! - Don’t make a sound!Non parlate! - Don’t speak!Non fumate! - Don’t smoke!Non andate in quel mercato per fare la spesa, andate in un altro. - Don’t go to that store to do the shopping, go to a different one. Noi Non dormiamo! - Let’s not sleep.Non facciamo rumore. - Let’s not make any noise.Non andiamo in quel mercato per fare la spesa, andiamo in un altro. - Let’s not go to that store to do the shopping, let’s go to a different one. Tip: Notice how the â€Å"noi† form is less seen as a command and more often seen as a suggestion.